Heloise Wilson
Heloise works between New York City, where she is based, and Europe, where she is from. She is an actress, writer, filmmaker, and voice-over artist
In NY, she has performed and has been produced at various NY downtown venues such as JACK, Dixon Place, The Bushwick Starr, The Fringe, The Flea Theater, the Black Lady Theatre, and many more.
She is the other half of the theatre and film production company Little y.
Her writing often explores family dynamics, first times, and how social and political circumstances shape our identity and our environment.
She trained at the Stella Adler Evening Conservatory and received her MFA in Playwriting at Brooklyn College under the supervision of Mac Wellman, Erin Courtney & Anne Washburn.
She is the recipient for the Literary Truman Capote Prize in playwriting and a double recipient for the Himan Brown award in creative writing. Heloise is also an affiliated New Georges Artist.
She has been a resident artist with Fault Line Theatre (Irons in The Fire), Trinacria Theatre, and the Pigneto Film Festival.
Heloise is represented by ImaCrew.
“A complex but clever little story” Stage Whispers Australia

I am a co-star on the SKY ORIGINAL TV Show “Unwanted” directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel and can be seen in Episode 4, recently released.
I am the voice of the new Shopify campaign, a series of +10 videos to support business owners.
I am the voice of the new Shopify campaign, a series of +10 videos to support business owners.
My play Astronauts Wanted will be remounted in 2024.
My play American Standard will be part of the Valdez Theatre Conference in Valdez, Alaska in June 2024.
I am working with French producer Benjamin Kozak on two series concepts for the French Market